
For the Oxford Green campaign, there would be an extensive use of communications; most of which will be sent digitally to help promote our green initiative. All paper products used in the campaign will be from recycled paper.

To the researched media contact list of 14, we would send out a total of 42 media kits, with three kits to each media outlet, to promote our campaign. A hard press release would also be sent out to the contacts. These would be sent out following requested mailing addresses from the initial media contacts. An additional eight kits will be made for use on standby.

Posters for the campaign would be made to promote each individual event as well as a main poster with information regarding all events. Brochures for the events would be similar in design to their poster counterparts and have additional information on the backs about event schedules and speakers. There will also be a specific brochure promoting information on how to be a part of the Eco-Business Guide and Incentives program.

All members of the Chamber of Commerce/ EDF receive these brochures in the mail along with a letter from the President and CEO, Max Hipp. An additional email will be sent out as well.

The campaign would also make use of social media to promote the campaign; including Facebook and Twitter pages. Both sites would serve as great resources for keeping the “tech-savvy” community updated on campaign events. The sites would also be used as a service to those following as the EDF provides environmental recycling tips throughout the campaign.

Both Twitter and Facebook pages would have links leading back to a special page created on the Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Foundation website. This page would have all available information on the campaign’s events and incentives program that are available in the brochures and in the media kits.

A URL would look something like this: