"I ♥ Oxford"
As an added incentive to the 50 media kits and 50 bags handed out at the symposium, I wanted to design an “Oxford Green” t-shirt. The front of the shirt says “I (Green leaf shaped heart) Oxford” with the Oxford Green logo printed on the back. This is currently in the media kit. To order 100 of these would cost an average of $350. To try to be fair to the general size range I would order 50 mediums and 50 larges with each set divided into 25 for the media kits and event bags
Artists in Green
Although not much has been put into this concept, I felt it would be great to really feature the local artists who paint the wine bottles from “Here’s to Green.” The artists would rand from unkowns, to well established painters. During the campaign, the EDF would write a feature press release on their paintings to promote the artists and their works for the auction. It would also be a great photo op with one or more of them while they are painting the bottles.
'An Inconvenient Truth:' Special Screening
In addition to Al Gore’s presentation, the EDF would also hold a special screening of “An Inconvenient Truth” with Al Gore either later that evening or the next day at the Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics at the University of Mississippi. By having the event on the school's campus, students would have the opportunity to feel connected to the Oxford Green campaign events and, in turn, help to raise their awareness of this effort. Tickets for the screening would be $2 and all proceeds would go to environmental/recycling project research.
Designing the Logo
In developing the logo, I went through a series of design styles to choose from. These are the different concepts I came up with, including alternating versions of the globes and text. After polling different viewpoints, the current logo was chosen.